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Tech-enabled marketing and communication

Adding breadth and experience in B2B, B2C and corporate communications. 

Our approach is insight and purpose-driven to deliver sustainable growth and impact. Working in a world that moves fast, experience, expertise and the ability to leverage technology are crucial

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Thoughts, ideas and insights from experts in all things marketing, communication and technology. 

Close-up of an intricate translucent white glass sculpture with wavy, ribbed edges and smooth gradients, resembling a delicate flower petal or leaf.
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1 July 2024

Accelerating SEO with automation

By Johan Rappling, Senior SEO Consultant, and Kristoffer Mauritzon, Copywriter

The world of SEO is an ever-changing landscape. As customers’ search behaviour becomes more complex and diversified, staying on top of page rankings and optimisation can be overwhelming, even for an experienced SEO professional. To address this challenge, our SEO team has developed a workflow that leverages the automation of critical tasks to provide a smoother and quicker path to SEO success.

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26 June 2024

Creating a web design system that works: balancing flexibility with consistency

By Matilda Ekström, Digital Communications Consultant, and Sidney Mortimer, Senior Digital Designer

A web design system is crucial to any brand with a digital presence. Done right, it ensures a consistent experience across your website by uniting designers and developers around a common visual language. A design system that’s too rigid, however, can create as many problems as it solves. So, how can we ensure we strike the right balance between flexibility and consistency?

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12 June 2024

Experimenting for success: smart strategies for optimising your marketing

By Ante Demirian, Head of Martech, Data & Analytics

This or that? It's a question we face every day as marketers. Making choices can be tough, not least when it comes to deciding which campaign to run or which website layout to choose. This is where experiments come in – a data-driven method where you simply test different versions or elements of a webpage or app to understand what works best. In this article, we’re listing 10 dos and don'ts to help you get started.

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20 May 2024

How to improve your corporate website for capital market stakeholders

By Freja Nilsson

Our 2024 Webranking Capital Market survey sheds light on the evolving expectations of these key stakeholders across Europe.

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17 May 2024

What job seekers are looking for on corporate websites in 2024

By Freja Nilsson

The 2024 Careers Survey provides detailed insights into the expectations and preferences of job seekers across Europe.

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22 April 2024

The biggest corporate communications challenges in 2024

By Freja Nilsson

Our latest Web Management survey with insights into both long and short term challenges.

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18 April 2024

AI in corporate communications: current uses and future roles

By Freja Nilsson

The corporate communications landscape is rapidly evolving, with new technological advancements and changing stakeholder expectations. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer. This year's edition of our annual Web Management survey, which asks senior communications professionals about the challenges and trends they foresee, reveals a growing trend among companies. They are increasingly incorporating AI to streamline processes, enhance content creation, and provide personalised experiences to their audiences.

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17 April 2024

Eight tips for writing effective social media ad copy

By Matilda Ekström

Social media platforms are a crucial part of most brands’ marketing strategy. With 4.95 billion users globally and a more than 60% penetration rate1, platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and Linkedin offer unique opportunities to build your brand and generate leads. However, for a social media ad campaign to be successful, you need to be strategic – not least when writing the copy for it. In this article, we have listed our top copywriting tips for social media ads.

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