Webranking news and insights
Following the publication of the Webranking results every year, we provide insights into the results and what they mean. Read about the latest news and insights from Webranking below.
Insights from our research
Webranking news
Sustainability communications advance, but UK companies miss opportunities to attract talent
The 28th edition of Webranking by Comprend evaluates how effectively the UK’s largest companies address stakeholder expectations for transparency and accessibility on their websites. These criteria are informed by direct insights from key stakeholder groups, including investors, analysts, and job seekers.
European companies strengthen digital transparency but fall short in leadership visibility
The 28th Webranking by Comprend assesses Europe’s largest corporate websites on their ability to meet stakeholder demands for transparency and accessibility. This year’s findings show a slight improvement, with the average score increasing to 48.4 out of 100, up from 47.2 last year.
Svenska företagswebbplatser visar hög transparens, men information om digitalisering och tillgänglighet saknas
I den tjugoåttonde säsongen av Webranking by Comprend har vi utökat den svenska listan något och har rankat 155 av de Sveriges största börsnoterade företagen för att återigen undersöka hur väl deras företagswebbplatser möter viktiga intressenters krav, så som analytiker, investerare och jobbsökande.
The Webranking free report is now live
We are excited to introduce a new initiative: the launch of the Webranking free report that is now available to all companies included in the ranking 2024-2025.
Webranking white papers
Webranking white paper 2023-2024
By downloading our white paper, you will access comprehensive findings by country, alongside insights and practices in key areas such as investor relations, sustainability communication, and employer branding.
Download past white papers
Webranking 2022-2023 white paper (PDF)
Webranking 2021-2022 white paper (PDF)
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How Webranking works
Learn about our Webranking process, from research to criteria.
Discover how Webranking worksThe Webranking report
Discover the benefits and features of the Webranking report.
The Webranking report