Nordic Morning is now Comprend

Nordic Morning logotype - is now - Comprend logotype

Tech-enabled marketing and communication

Adding breadth and experience in B2B, B2C and corporate communications. 

Our approach is insight and purpose-driven to deliver sustainable growth and impact. Working in a world that moves fast, experience, expertise and the ability to leverage technology are crucial

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News and press releases

News and updates from Comprend.

Close-up of an intricate translucent white glass sculpture with wavy, ribbed edges and smooth gradients, resembling a delicate flower petal or leaf.
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Webranking news

Svenska företagswebbplatser visar hög transparens, men information om digitalisering och tillgänglighet saknas

I den tjugoåttonde säsongen av Webranking by Comprend har vi utökat den svenska listan något och har rankat 155 av de Sveriges största börsnoterade företagen för att återigen undersöka hur väl deras företagswebbplatser möter viktiga intressenters krav, så som analytiker, investerare och jobbsökande.

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Webranking news

The Webranking free report is now live

We are excited to introduce a new initiative: the launch of the Webranking free report that is now available to all companies included in the ranking 2024-2025.

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Webranking news

Finnish companies maintain strong performance, but accessibility disclosures lag

Finland maintains its position as the leading country in Webranking with an impressive average score of 60.49, which is significantly higher than the Europe 500's average of 48.42.

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Press release

Comprend continues to grow in southern Sweden with three key hires

Comprend, a leading partner for tech-enabled marketing and communication has strengthened their team by recruiting Anna Bostam, Annika Frankel and David Birde. All three will be based at Comprend's offices in Helsingborg and Malmö.

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Webranking news

Webranking 2024-2025 has started

We are excited to announce that the Webranking 2024-2025 edition kicked off on Monday, 10 June. This year marks the 28th Webranking edition.

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A new website for Comprend

We are proud to present the new website for Comprend, showcasing our latest work with clients and insights on tech-enabled marketing and communication.

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Webranking news

Dutch corporate websites show strengths in careers but fall short in financial disclosure

Our Webranking survey unveils key insights into Dutch companies' performance against European standards.

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Webranking news

Finnish corporate websites continue to outperform European peers

In the latest Webranking results, Finnish companies have demonstrated remarkable performance, particularly in Investor Relations and Corporate Governance. Careers information is, however, still slightly behind the European average. Challenges include presenting information about work-life balance and flexible working.

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