Thoughts, ideas and insights from experts in all things marketing, communication and technology.
Unravelling the mystery of B2B brand storytelling
For years, the importance of brand storytelling has echoed throughout seminars, strategy documents, and agency briefs – not least in B2B circles. But without a clear understanding of how, where, and why storytelling works, we may wonder: is storytelling still relevant, or is it just another marketing trend to leave behind?
How to increase your ROI with short-form video in B2B marketing
Short-form video is here to stay. In fact, short-form video (i.e., videos under 60 seconds) is the format that’s expected to see the most growth during 2024 as it has the highest ROI in any social media marketing (1). Does that mean we’re guaranteed better results from a video ad than an ad with static content? Whilst businesses are often keen on drawing such conclusions, the truth is that, as with all marketing, it’s not that simple. It all comes down to how good of a job you do to connect with and engage your target audiences.
Accelerating SEO with automation
The world of SEO is an ever-changing landscape. As customers’ search behaviour becomes more complex and diversified, staying on top of page rankings and optimisation can be overwhelming, even for an experienced SEO professional. To address this challenge, our SEO team has developed a workflow that leverages the automation of critical tasks to provide a smoother and quicker path to SEO success.
Eight tips for writing effective social media ad copy
Social media platforms are a crucial part of most brands’ marketing strategy. With 4.95 billion users globally and a more than 60% penetration rate1, platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and Linkedin offer unique opportunities to build your brand and generate leads. However, for a social media ad campaign to be successful, you need to be strategic – not least when writing the copy for it. In this article, we have listed our top copywriting tips for social media ads.
How to make your content readable
You may have heard of something called readability. For anyone with a website, it's crucial to know about. In short, readability is a measure of how easy it is for a person to read and understand a text. But how can you ensure your content is readable? That's what we're here to explain!
From strategy to action: how to make sure you create the right content
Do you have well-defined strategies supported by your business goals but find it difficult to turn them into concrete content and design solutions for your website? You're not alone.
Five SEO copywriting tips
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) can be an overwhelming topic for web editors and content creators. With an ever-changing algorithm and a huge range of technical and content factors that can impact a website's performance on search engines, it's easy to lose track of the objective of SEO.
Don't forget the editors when building your website
When building a website, the main focus is usually on what the visitor will see and experience when they come to the website. That will, of course, always be the most important thing, but there are also strong reasons to make a great effort in providing a good user experience for the editor.