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Thoughts, ideas and insights from experts in all things marketing, communication and technology. 

Close-up of an intricate translucent white glass sculpture with wavy, ribbed edges and smooth gradients, resembling a delicate flower petal or leaf.
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Meta’s ad-free gamble and the potential effects on advert­ising and privacy

By Kevin Mullaney

A practical analysis of Meta’s ad-free subscription model and its potential impact on advert­ising, privacy, and consumer behaviour.

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Brand metrics to ignore at your own risk

Branding metrics are a staple in measuring marketing success. But many marketers now avoid “vanity” metrics in favor of “more meaningful” marketing KPIs – those with a direct impact on sales or ROI. But are vanity metrics really meaningless? We explore their true value – and what you risk losing by leaving them behind.

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Marketing Technology: Tech tool, or an untapped business opportunity?

By Jukka Sundquist, Managing Director of Nordic Morning, Finland.

For those of us in marketing, it's clear that nowadays, using different kinds of marketing technology is the name of the game. For us who have been around for some time, the growth of marketing technology companies (today known as MarTech) comes as no surprise.

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Beyond the last click: Vepsäläinen & data-driven marketing strategies

Life is full of decisions. From what to eat for breakfast to how to derive the most value from your digital marketing campaign. At Comprend we can’t help you with the breakfast decision, but we can certainly serve you up a big bowl of ’everything you need to know about data-driven digital marketing’. For us, digital marketing isn’t a single path from concept to delivery. It’s a process where ideas are based on clear insights, then tested and adjusted to get to the crux of the challenge. In this blog post we take you on a deep dive into how data, insights and expert advice is transforming the digital marketing strategy of Vepsäläinen, one of Finland’s leading quality furniture brands.

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Time to think about analytics and privacy

By Staffan Lindgren

Free solutions come with a price, and when it comes to analytics, we pay that price with our users' personal data. As they say, there is no such thing as a free lunch. The good news? There are some great solutions out there that allow us to collect the data we need to evaluate performance and optimise our websites without jeopardising privacy.

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The armageddon of data silos

A huge amount of digital interactions and data touch points appear in marketing systems and platforms every single second. Via this, over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day. This is now, in real time: it is your customers’ interactions on your platforms, with your messages, sales offerings, and with your brand. But how do you do orchestrate all that? What does your ecosystem of marketing, IT, and business tools and systems look like? And what does your business require to map the real-time customer behavior into what you are offering the market?