Thoughts, ideas and insights from experts in all things marketing, communication and technology.
How effective marketing can make your business noticed, liked and remembered
In today’s fast-paced business landscape, getting your brand noticed, liked, and remembered is more crucial than ever. Effective marketing strategies play a pivotal role in achieving these goals, ultimately driving success and growth for your business.
Vilken arketyp är du? Brand personality är ett verktyg som vässar din marknadsföring.
Att definiera ett varumärkes personlighet eller karaktär upplevs ofta som hokus-pokus från reklammakare. En av orsakerna är naturligtvis att vi som arbetar med varumärkesutveckling inte lyckats förmedla vitsen med en väl definierad varumärkespersonlighet.
Mastering the art of Marketing Communications
Effective marketing communications is the key for creating brand awareness, building customer relationships, and driving sales. In an increasingly competitive market, mastering the art of marketing communications is essential for not only maintaining a position, but also thriving with the advantages it provides.
Is your corporate website sustainable?
The corporate website is necessary for communicating with corporate audiences and being compliant. Sustainability is a topic that is ever-increasing in importance. Despite having tons of information on their website, companies often forget the significant environmental impact of the website itself.
Beyond efficiency: The power of measuring effectiveness
In the ever-evolving landscape of B2B communication, one thing remains constant: the need for effective strategies that yield tangible results. While measuring efficiency has long been a staple of assessing performance, it’s high time we shift our focus towards measuring effectiveness.
The power of pricing
Working with marketing it is sometimes easy to overlook pricing as a key element in the marketing mix. Considering the fact that, according to ”The power of pricing” by McKinsey, a 1% increase in price statistically bumps profit by a whopping 8%, we need to rethink.
Värdebaserad prissättning ger dig övertaget
Att sätta rätt pris är svårt. Det är lätt att bli för försiktig och sätta ett pris som inte är långsiktigt lönsamt. Å andra sidan kan ett för högt pris skrämma bort potentiella kunder. Den klokaste vägen är att utgå från det värde som en potentiell kund kommer att uppleva av din produkt.
Five tips for preparing your website for public listing
A corporate website is a crucial communication channel for any listed company. So, when preparing your company website for an initial public offering (IPO), it's important to get it right — from content and UX to technical features and CMS. We have listed our five top tips to help you through it.