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Maximising the jobseeker experience on corporate websites

By Chris Henson
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The job market is more competitive than ever, and companies need to stand out for all the right reasons if they want to attract top talent. As we've discussed in Comprend’s Careers Report 2019, a company’s corporate website is the main port of call for jobseekers who are considering making an application - and it's not just the Careers section you should be worrying about.

With the release of the Webranking by Comprend 2019-2020 results, now is a good time to analyse the extent to which the websites of Europe's 500 largest listed companies are delivering the content jobseekers look for - beyond the careers section. 

Our research is based on the input of hundreds of international jobseekers of varying experience levels and coming from a wide array of industries. The report reveals that, regardless of their background, jobseekers do not limit time spent on a website to the Careers section. When it comes to sourcing their next opportunity, the entirety of the corporate website is fair game.

About us, the section covering general company information, holds the honour of being the most visited, with Careers in a modest second place, and Sustainability in third. Jobseeking browsing habits also extend to investor information and press content, albeit to a lesser degree.

On the whole, the results of Webranking 2019-2020 also show that many of Europe's 500 largest companies still have work if they wish to fully satisfy the expectations of these jobseekers in key areas, although performance varies by sector and country.

When assessing a potential employer, how often do you visit the following website sections?

Column chart of how often jobseekers visit different website sections when assessing a potential employer. The order of the table, from most visited to least visited, reads: About the company, Careers, Sustainability, Press/Media, Financial reports, Corporate governance, Shareholder information, Investor relations.

Company information is key to bringing in CVs

Digging deeper into the data, our Careers Survey reveals that 93% of our respondents have at least occasionally visited the About us section of a corporate website. Therefore, it is crucial that companies consider this target group when deciding which general information to provide and how to present it, as neglecting this section means they run the risk of losing the interest of potentially strong applicants.

One of the elements jobseekers value - particularly when included in a Careers section - is some level of information on a company's geographical presence, ideally supported with a map. This interest holds true for the About us section as well, indicating that a company's locations should be clearly outlined as a priority.

Currently, a majority of the Europe 500 have done so comprehensively, but only just over half of them have also taken the next step and provided a visual aid for these locations (e.g. a map). One company whose locations can be explored through an easy to navigate and interactive element is the French oil and gas giant Total. Their "worldwide presence" pop-out makes it simple to view the company's business across continents, with the option to take a closer look at their operations per country.

The Europe 500 top 10 about us sections in Webranking by Comprend 2019-2020: 

RankCompanyScore fulfilment
1Swedish Match99%
3Poste Italiane97%
7Barry Callebaut93%

Three must-haves in a sustainability section

Don't just focus on the "boring" stuff. Tell me why you matter and why I will love going to work every day. And have clear values on inclusion, diversity, and sustainability.

Job seekers Sweden, Source: Comprend's Careers Report 2019

As per our research, 79% of jobseekers visit the sustainability section of a corporate website in search of information about a company's activities in a number of areas. It's no secret that the modern candidate generally values working for an ethically-minded employer, but this figure shows that an interest in sustainability is by no means restricted to a specific demographic.

Diversity and Equal Opportunities

The most important aspect of sustainability, and one that potential applicants frequently search for, is a corporate policy on diversity and equal opportunities the results of Webranking by Comprend 2019-2020 show that three-quarters of the Europe 500 are currently matching up to expectations here, with the UK and Sweden leading the way – 95% of their largest 20 companies provide at least one statement on the matter. At the other end of the scale, just 15% of the ranked Russian companies have disclosed any diversity information.

The sector with the most companies living up to their responsibility here was the Utilities sector, while the Real Estate sector trailed behind, with less than half of the 55 ranked companies having defined their commitment to diversity and equality.

Code of Conduct

Candidates want to work for a company which follows a clear set of ethical guidelines, and 85% of our respondents expressed an interest in seeing a company's Code of Conduct. Companies are placing a higher emphasis on compliance. The Code of Conduct visibility has improved significantly this year, to the extent that 82% of companies now provide one as a PDF, whilst a similar number of companies also opted to describe their Code directly on the website. Many also included a statement on their Supplier Code of Conduct.

Given the overall improvement in regulation transparency, it’s clear that companies are increasingly aware of the impact this has on jobseeker trust and their wider corporate reputation.

Environmental performance

Another facet of sustainability that is of paramount importance to jobseekers is a company's environmental impact.

This is an area that can be make-or-break for many potential candidates. Four out of five jobseekers highly value the importance of a company integrating environmental targets within the context of progress being made towards these goals, yet not even half of the Europe 500 companies currently include this tangible form of performance measurement on their websites. Despite good progress across some sustainability criteria, these companies still have much left to do to reach a point where their positive intentions are showcased in a way jobseekers (and other stakeholders) expect.

The Europe 500 top 10 sustainability sections in Webranking by Comprend 2019-2020:

RankCompanyScore fulfilment
2Telecom Italia97%
5Galp Energia93%

Browsing patterns are not just limited to a few sections

Our research shows that some jobseekers tend to look at both the press and corporate reporting sections as part of their visit to a corporate website. It's clear that their curiosity drives them. When it comes to deciding on whether or not a company might be a good employer, jobseekers will never stop at merely browsing through the usual suspects - the About us, Careers, and Sustainability sections.

Exploring the press section might be done with a company's reputation in mind - to check for any red flags in the press archive - but also to get a sense of what it's like to work there. Is there an employee blog? What are the internal company stories being shared? As for the latest report, it's understandable that prospective applicants may want to check that a company is on a good financial footing. A report may also include more in-depth figures on, for example, aspects of sustainability performance, which aren’t always available directly on the website.

Whilst companies should prioritise improving sections that jobseekers are most likely to visit, there is certainly no quick fix when it comes to working on communication with this target group.

Opportunity to improve 

Do you want to make sure your corporate website is delivering the content jobseekers expect to see? Get in touch with us for more details on how your company is performing, and let the Webranking report be the tool to guide the way!